“Working with Denise for a year and a half was life-changing for me. Prior to reaching out to her, I struggled with anxiety, career/relationship unhappiness, and frustration with feeling like I was failing to reach my potential. 

Denise taught me how to examine my problems in a new light. She never tells you what you should or shouldn’t do, that’s ultimately up to you, but she will challenge your thoughts and assumptions about your situation and yourself. Thanks to her guidance, I’ve radically transformed my life and am now living in a manner I’d never thought possible just two years ago. I’m extremely grateful for everything that Denise taught me.”

Denise is truly an amazing therapist and she helped me to climb out of a dark place. I was always one of those people that felt I could work my problems out myself, but I was feeling hopeless and lost, like I was having a nervous breakdown. With Denise, I looked forward to my sessions and to the insight I was gaining. I began seeing changes in myself and my life is now in a much more positive place.”

Denise came highly recommended to me by a friend when I was having difficulty with anxiety. The stress I felt was making it hard for me to function and sleep. Denise taught me how to calm my anxiety using techniques of body awareness, mindfulness and meditation. Her kind, compassionate approach greatly helped me get back on track. Working with her was a pleasure, like working with a wise, old friend. “

“When we first came to see Denise, my wife and I were separated and heading towards divorce. Right off the bat, my wife and I liked Denise’s straightforward personality. She was very patient and she taught us how to communicate on an entirely new level. I’m thrilled to say my wife and I are back together and we have a stronger relationship than ever before.”

Denise and I have been working together for a while since my husband’s death. We’ve tried a few different techniques but by far the most effective has been EMDR therapy. Denise sets a tone that provides a safe and secure environment to be vulnerable enough to really get to work. I have appreciated her time, dedication, and follow through during my healing my journey. She has been solid and steady with encouragement and I always feel safe. She’s wise, insightful, compassionate, but firm. I have been so pleased with my progress in working with her. She is a great asset to her field.”

“I started seeing Denise while navigating the pandemic, my marriage, body image issues, and toxic family dynamics involving severe drug addiction and emotional neglect. My anxiety and stress felt unmanageable. I had trouble sleeping due to overwhelming fear and panic. I felt out of control in nearly every facet of my life.

Denise was the first therapist to really hear me and give me the tools, language, and space to navigate my life. Even as new crises occurred–several relapses within the family and the loss of my dog to name a few–Denise never made me feel ashamed. No matter what I faced, it was always met with urgency and empathy. If I was too wound up to communicate, Denise could sense it (even over Zoom) and would pause the session so I could breathe. She never gave me answers. Instead, she validated me, challenged me to think for myself (a novel idea to this recovering people pleaser!) and guided me with such subtlety that it sometimes felt she wasn’t doing anything at all which, in my opinion, is the mark of a great therapist.

One experience that really stands out was our work around body image–specifically my decision to undergo breast implant removal surgery. Rather than give generic tips on how to love myself, she researched workbooks until she found one she knew would resonate. That extra effort on her part resulted in deep introspection and profound healing.

About a year into our relationship, I began to realize I had the answers, abilities, and power all along. Witnessing my own growth in real time has been nothing short of astonishing and though she would probably disagree, Denise deserves the credit for empowering me, reminding me always of the power of CHOICE.

Denise is truly a master of her craft. I can’t thank her enough.